Isaac Asimov

the encyclopedia galactica

(as published by the Encyclopedia Galactica Publishing Company, 116th Edition, published 1020 F.E) (c) The 'It Works On My System Group', Ltd. 2022-2023


The empire's logotype

The timeline of this fictional universe can basically be divided into four eras (bear in mind that the timeline is rather condensed. A lot more could be added). Some of the years have been converted between C.E (current era), G.E (Galactic Era), and F.E (Foundation Era) to give a better understanding of the time-scale. Unfortunately, it can only be an approximation infered from the various texts since a complete timeline with definite years has never been published. Everything between  


  references a book-title.

Pay attentention to the icon! It provides further information.
Not canon:

That's it. Now we have reached the end-of-the-line. And the year is now around 26,000 years after people thought it would be a good idea to nail a guy to a cross just because he thought it would be good if people could be kind to one another for a change. Maybe we haven't learned all that much after all...