Isaac Asimov

the encyclopedia galactica

(as published by the Encyclopedia Galactica Publishing Company, 116th Edition, published 1020 F.E) (c) The 'It Works On My System Group', Ltd. 2022-2023


Drawing two of Isac Asimov

Dr Asimov was highly productive and wrote a lot of fiction as well as essays, books, articles, and lots more in various disciplines such as astrophysics, chemistry, history, religion, social sciences, etc. You name it really.

Here, only the books/short stories concerned with the Robot-Empire-Foundation universe will be considered or it would become a never-ending project.

Even with that caveat in mind, you will notice that the bibliography and the timeline does not add upp. In the timeline there are notices to books not found in the bibliography.

That is because other authors have contributed material (more or less canonical at this point) that has expanded on Asimovs universe.

Still, even before that happened the timeline was sort of a mess. Or rather: it is full of contradictions since it was never intended that all the books in this bibliography were to form a future history of the galaxy. That sort of "just happened" and Asimov did his best to join the different series together at the end of his life, but could not elliminate all inconsistencies without having to re-write some stuff from scratch.

He did manage to make it work as a whole, but you do need to make some allowance for inconistancies for it work.

Here follows two lists of the published works in this setting. One in chronological order of the future histoy, and one in order of publication.

Note: the in the left-hand column does not make much sense on this page alone. The icon basically means: if present, it is considered canon. All of Asimov's own published books are of course canon. The "extended universe" (to speak in Star Wars terms) is another matter. However, I decided to use the image all over the site for consistency reasons.